Window Cleaning Newcastle Lake Macquarie, Maitland

Keeping Your Windows Spot Free: A Window Cleaning Recommendation

Our philosophy here at Lifestyle Cleaning (apart from “People Who Value People, Value Lifestyle”) is that a clean looking window is the clearest way to success. Consider this question; would you, as a business owner or manager, greet your clients with a dirty and stained face? Well, windows are often the first thing a client or customer sees, whether on a Strata property, a Day Care Centre or an office building. But how often should we get our business windows cleaned? Well this handy guide answers just that!

Tailored Cleaning Schedules for Every Business

Different commercial or strata buildings have varying requirements when it comes to window cleaning frequency. While each building has different needs, here’s a general breakdown their window cleaning requirements:

Restaurants: Given the presence of grease and moisture in the air, restaurants benefit from bi-weekly window cleaning. Additionally, family-oriented establishments may require more frequent cleaning due to sticky fingerprints left by young patrons, undermining the perception of cleanliness and quality.

Healthcare Facilities: Medical facilities demand a pristine environment that matches the sanitised and clean nature of the service. A monthly window clean, especially for ground-level and patient-facing areas, is recommended as it reinforces your commitment to cleanliness and care for each patient.

Retail Stores: With high foot traffic and window displays that showcase new products and signage, retail stores should aim for a fortnightly to monthly window clean. The frequency of the clean will depend on the location and foot traffic; are you located in a shopping centre or a CBD. Semi frequent window cleaning will ensure retail storefronts remain inviting and showcase their products and deals effectively.

Office Buildings: While not requiring as frequent a cleaning as other businesses, office buildings still benefit from bi-annual interior and exterior window cleaning. Newcastle has beautiful water front offices and strata properties. Dirty windows obstructing the view of these vistas will likely decrease employee morale and clients are likely to feel uncared for. By providing unobstructed views, you enhance the overall curb side appeal to customers, creating a welcoming atmosphere for all visitors. Additionally, cleaning lobby windows on a monthly or bi-monthly basis leaves a positive impression on guests.

Strata Properties: With strata common property, a regular monthly window cleaning is recommended. Strata properties are the homes of many clients that pay fees on a regular basis. Their expectation is that this contributes to the maintenance of the building they occupy.  Not only does regular window cleaning satisfy residents and look good to the general public, it will also extend the life of the windows themselves, reducing the need for replacement.

Make Your First Impression the Lasting one

Ensuring your commercial property, facility or strata, maintains its pristine appearance is essential for the best first impression for clients to experience. Particularly  in areas prone to dust and pollen, enlisting the services of a professional commercial cleaning company is critical. Establishing a regular cleaning schedule not only ensures the cleanliness of your windows but also provides peace of mind for both you and your clientele.

Is your office, strata or care facility in need of a thorough window clean? Contact Lifestyle Cleaning Services on (02) 4932 8187 for an obligation-free quote for your Strata common property. You can also fill out a contact form here.

People Who Value People, Value Lifestyle Cleaning Services!